
Goals & Identity

This month: $150 from online coaching business

This quarter: $1000 from online coaching business.

By 2028: $5000/month from personal training and online coaching.

What is the identity that goes with these goals? Money is not my goal, helping others to be better version of themselves is my goal. However, I need to buy back my freedom to be able to achieve my goals, and therefore income is my ticket to freedom. I will become incredibly wealthy to help as many people as I can, and to be the owner of my time on this planet.

Who’s closest to the person you want to become in this area of life? Phil Daru

Who are you mirroring? Torben Keller

BY 2028

Write more about the path to your 2028 goal.

It takes the same creative energy to aim low as it does to aim high.

6-years is a long time for someone taking determined action.

My Worth Ideal

My Worthy Ideal (Legacy)

Problems I Want To Solve