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In this call, Paul went over Marcin’s Genius Profile, Values Profile & Change Readiness Index and gave a brief overview of all of them.

Genius Assessment

The genius assessment is snapshot of who you are at a given moment. It does not necessarily imply who you used to be, or who you will be, but who you are when the assessment is taken.

There are two things that the genius assessment does for Paul:

  1. Gives him an idea of the cognitive preferences you were born with, we can loosely call this your “nature”; and
  2. How your environment has shaped your use of these cognitive preferences and if there is anything blocking you from using the full toolkit of each particular preference.

How You Think Is More Important Than What You Think

As humans, we all more or less think about the same things. If you think about anything in let’s say X way (X being how you think about things), then the only outcome you can get out of your thinking is Y. We would have to change X first i.e., we would have to change HOW we think about things to get a different outcome.

Deriving Knowledge From The Past & The Future

Past - These people derive their knowledge and ideas from facts and figures and experiences that have happened in the past.

Future - These people derive their knowledge and ideas from playing around with scenarios in the future and then bringing back the data to the present as if it were real. And it is real for these people. A very small percentage of the population is oriented this way.